Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Starting out

Well, I have finally taken the plunge and started blogging. Writing has been a passion with me, however for various reasons, except for writing marketing reports, plans business strategies etc. I have not done any serious writing for the last 25 years (phew - how pathetic). Now I find that the thought process has become extremely rusty. I just can't see to write and poetry has all but disappeared from my life. What is finally going to happen only time will tell, anyway I plan to at least try and write 3 /4 times a week and see what happens. One has to start and taking the first step is the most important one. The next few should start getting easier.
There are so many things that interest me, but the rat race seems to have taken its toll. I want to re - create the magic again. Becoming a rat has not been much of a life, am now trying to discover being a human again and have fun.

Lets live life again

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